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      Series Application of Rykey Elastomer
      Daily supplies/Toys/Auto Parts/ Lever Handles/ Sports Equipment/Electronic Communication/ Baby Products/ Medical Apparatus and Instruments / Sealing Materials /TPE Foam Products
      Anti-slip, wear resistance, soft , personalized color, perfect appearance Complies with FDA standards, wide hardness range and wide softness range, personalized color  Anti-slip, anti-seismic, high temperature resistance, weather resistance, good restorable ability, ease of processing, personalized color Oil-resistant and easy to print, scratch resistant, heat resistant,Good function of bearing voltage, anti-slip, weather resistance, chemical resistance, perfect adhesion, soft, complies with vde standards Anti-slip, anti-seismic, high temperature resistance, weather resistance, good restorable ability, ease of processing, personalized color
      Complies with VDE standards, good electrical insulation, good hand feeling, high tensile strength, excellent uv resistance, chemical resistance Complies with FDA standards, environmentally friendly, anti-slip, non-toxic and odorless, low temperature resistance, weather resistance, high resistance to tear, bright colors, ease of processing Complies with FDA standards, high transparency, good heat resistant, non-toxic and odorless, personalized color, waste can be recycled Complies with FDA standards, anti-slip, anti-seismic, low temperature resistance, weather resistance, high resistance to tear, ease of processing Complies with FDA standards, soft, odorless, high transparency, high resistance to tear, personalized color, waste can be recycled
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